Bangladesh Bound

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Getting Ready

Well, it seems I finally figured this on-line journal thing out. Thanks Jenn! So, I've had the day 'off' from work - but have spent it being very productive. From the orthodontist, to getting the oil changed in my car 'little white', to the optometrist, to the dump - I did lots of morning errands. And after scrubbing the house yesterday (even cleaned out the garage) - I was ready this afternoon to do the dreaded paperwork. I hate paperwork - and will procrastinate whenever possible. But, I've gotten lots accomplished. I have paid bills - and have gotten all of my bills set up on-line, finally. I've gotten my travel insurance, my life insurance, my will, and all of my travel documents (passport, visa, etc.) in order. I've contacted Susanne (who is great!) at CVM and discussed final details. It seems that I really am leaving in 3 weeks!

Traveling to Bangladesh was not on my list of things to do. I wanted to go back to Africa - I loved it there - loved the people. But God has called me to Asia - to work with Muslim women and their cows. I've been trying to prepare myself as best I can for the poverty I am going to encounter - but I know I will still be overwhelmed.

But I feel so blessed to be sent. And I'm glad that I have a way to let everyone know what we are doing as we are there. Stay tuned!


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