Bangladesh Bound

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Well now - all my thank you cards are done (finally!) - I'm really the world's worst procrastinator. I just hate the paperwork. But, in taking the time to do them all at once - I've had some time for reflection. I had stated that I needed to raise about $3000 for this trip. As of today - God has provided $3050. Incredible. I looked over my list - and one of those $50 donations came from someone I don't even know! This is such a reminder to me that God is able to provide what I need (over and above what I ask for!) AND He has ways of providing that I don't even account for. How cool is that?!?

I've made copies of all my important documents (passport, driver's license, visa, itineray, etc.) and distributed them to those people that I trust. Just in case I should do the unthinkable and lose my passport - they have the necessary documentation to get me a new one so I can come home. :)

I watched a special tonight that was raising money for the areas of Asia that were affected by the Tsunami. I could be walking into one of the worst malaria outbreaks ever. Not to mention Cholera. Yeesh. Bangladesh was not hit as hard as Indonesia - but the coastal areas still were affected some. Good thing I'll be on Doxycycline!!! I've also had boosters on all my shots - I'm as protected medically as I can be. The rest is in God's hands - and in the hands of those of you praying for me!!! Take this seriously! I will be DEPENDING on your prayers. Thanks.

God loves the people of Asia - even though this disaster happened - He loves them. I hope that while I'm there I can share with at least a few - hopefully a lot - that there is a God who knows their name and wants to spend eternity with them. That's the reason I'm going.

2 weeks!!!


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