Bangladesh Bound

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Final Day

So we just had lunch with Prodip and the WC staff - it was our last lunch here. They made us a special meal - shrimp. :( I'm allergic to shrimp and Holly doesn't like it. Oh, well! We also had Mutton and veggies and rice and the usual Bangla food. Everything is fried in oil - they don't have ovens - I can't WAIT for raw veggies and baked food!!! (Remember how I commented that I liked the veggies here? That's because they are fried!!!)

We are wearing our Sharees today - we did manage to get them on ourselves - but as soon as we got to the office we got 'adjusted.' :) Prodip loves us in them!!!

We went to a Monghul fort built in the 1600's yesterday - built by a guy named Shasta Kahn - made me think of Disney's 'Mulan.' Very interesting stuff - I wrote you all about it - but it went 'poof.'

We also visited the Bangladesh National Museum yesterday - it was very good. Wrote lots about that too....

I made a HUGE list of odds-n-ends about Dhaka - but that is lost forever....

I'll make a shorter version once I get home. It won't be the same without Holly sitting beside me laughing, though. (Can you tell how SAD I am about losing my blog yesterday?)

We leave tomorrow at 6 am - I'll probably blog on Friday morning when I eventually get up. 30 hours of traveling is probably going to leave me a little tired.

It's been so good..... thanks for being a part of this with me by reading and praying for me.


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