Bangladesh Bound

Sunday, January 23, 2005

6 days!

Wow - I'm actually leaving in 6 days! This time next week I'll be on a plane - somewhere. Actually this day next week won't exist for me. See, leaving the US on Saturday - we arrive in Dhaka 24 hours later on Monday - no Sunday. And coming back (A nice 26 hour trip) we leave Dhaka on a Thursday and arrive back in the states on the SAME DAY! The International Date line is a wondrous thing. :)

We had some snow here this weekend - and we were able to enjoy it just the same. Friday afternoon Matt (my boyfriend) arrived and we caught up after not seeing each other for 2 weeks. We had dinner with some friends from my church (including my pastor and his wife) Friday night and we had some friends over here on Saturday night. (side note: I need to buy wine glasses so that when I have an adult dinner party and my adult friends bring wine over, I don't have to make them drink their wine out of jelly glasses with mean rhinos on them) We did make it to church this am where Pastor Bill taught about Ephesians 3 - and the church in all of it's multi-ethnic glory.

It did get me excited.

How is that we, as fallen sinners, have been given the privilege of telling others of Christ? He doesn't need us - He could do it Himself. BUT - he allows us to share in the bringing in of the kingdom. And I feel even MORE blessed, for I get to travel to the ends of the earth to share with people from another tribe and tongue of His love. Of His incomparable riches. What did I do to deserve such honor? I'm willing to go - and I realize that even that willingness is a gift from Him.

He is a gracious God.

Ahhh, many things on my 'to do' list - so, I shoud get to them. :)


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