Bangladesh Bound

Friday, January 28, 2005

Twas the night before departure....

.... and all through my house, was stuff strewn about EVERYWHERE!!! Can you say 'packing is fun'?!? :) OH my.

Today has been a blur. I took the truck back to the clinic, had my taxes done, (go me for not waiting until April 11th like last year!) got some Avon Skin-so-soft to keep the bugs off, got a fanny back and a waist belt to hide my money in, actually typed out my will - then went back to work to have my boss witness me signing it, gathered all my stuff, loaded up my car and said good-bye's. Having my boss, Bruce, and the other vet at our clinic, Spencer, pray with me before I left was so super special. I really do feel like I have this huge team behind me. That's such an awesome feeling.

Then I went shopping. This was fun - but also overwhelming. I was shopping for gifts for the missionaries and our host families while we are there. Imagine being in a Super Wal-Mart trying to buy gifts for people who live in a country that is beyond poor. What do you buy? What can you carry? How much can you get? What is going to be practical and appreciated? It was an eye-opener to think about all the possibilities - everything that I have access to on a daily basis. And trying to pick out a few things that I can share with them. I took others' advice and bought things like dish towels, kitchen utensils, candy, a coffee mug, pens, bouncy balls (for the kids), and some other odds-n-ends. I'll get a newspaper and a smut-free magazine tomorrow. (There really is a shortage of smut-free magazines in this country!)

Then I came home and started packing. I haven't accomplished much. :) My buddy Paul came over and we just talked and relaxed and had a nice time. Now - I need to finish packing so I can get some sleep. I'll go to the bank in the morning - and then we'll be off. My parents were unable to make it up - my mom is sick - so that makes me sad. Glenda is not feeling well, either - but hopefully will be able to take me to the airport. Matt will meet us there.

wow. it's tomorrow.



2)God can do what He says he can do.


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