Bangladesh Bound

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


And SONshine! :) Things really are going very well here. Lawrence went to our 'trouble' farm this am and when we asked him if all was well, he replied 'maybe.' He insists that it is now his headache and we should think about it no longer. Harder to do than say... But Holly and I are in good spirits - I've been reflecting on some things that happened earlier in my career that were very bad (a horse dying after I vaccinated it comes to mind) - but in time these things fade. We are keeping in our pocket (per Dr. B) all the good things that people are seeing through us - all the good we are doing. With the exception of this event, we have been welcomed with open arms and large smiles (and lots of tea!) into everyone's homes. They are so proud their cows and how they have provided for their families. It is a blessing to us to see their commitment to their care.

We actually got to preg check a couple of cows today - that was fun. Boy some of these cows are small!!! They appreciate my skinny arms....

So, starting tomorrow, we will be leading the morning devotion at the World Concern office. We will do this everyday until we leave. What an awesome priviledge!!! We are going to try and teach them an English song as well. Tomorrow night we are speaking at the Campus Crusade for Christ's weekly meeting - so we are excited about that.

Got news today of two more days of Hartal on the 14th and 15th. Boo. We'll be fine - just frustrated that we can't work.

Stay tuned.


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