Bangladesh Bound

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Sunny Day

Today the weather was wonderful! Bright and sunny - probably about 75 degrees - and few bugs. :) I have a feeling the bugs are going to get worse.

I did get a little sick this morning - after breakfast. I think it's just due to my Doxycycline (for malaria) - I took it on an empty stomach (as I'm supposed to) but it made me feel very strange. Just like the jet-lag I had (possibly not jet lag!) So, I'm going to take it tonight - after supper. We'll see.

We visited several farms today - one had 20 cows!!! Right in the middle of the city!!! I am very impressed with the care they get - the cows get a bath everyday - twice a day when it's hot. They are so clean - they don't even smell like cows. :) We saw several today with foot and mouth - they use an antibiotic to treat the secondary infection and a disinfectent on the sores. They know to separate them from the others and most people use a vaccine to keep their cows free from it. The vaccine has to be given 4 times a year - this is all new to Holly and I, but Lawrence knows the ropes well. We won't be able to go out again until Monday - so Holly and I are going to work on a program for Lawrence for mastitis (the biggest problem according to him.)

Every morning they have a devotion at the World Concern office. This morning they sang 'Blessed Assurance' in Bangla. Though we didn't know thier words - Holly and I sang along. The women at the office are so friendly - they are teaching us Bangla and how to wear our new clothes (which are a bit cumbersome when working with cows - the scarf gets in the way!) We feel like we are dressed for church in our fancy sular camis - but today they got manure all over them, so now they can be regarded as coveralls. :) For those of you who know me, you knew I couldn't make it a day without getting dirty. :)

We are eating and sleeping well - one bonus here - it is normal and expected to play with your food. (You eat with your hands - actually JUST the right hand - I have to sit on my left one to keep from using it.) It's all good.

Well, off to bed. Thanks for reading and for praying!


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